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Hey there! Dr. Susan Kim here, and today I’m diving into something I’m really passionate about your child’s airway and their health! As a pediatric dentist, I see how this condition can quietly disrupt lives, leaving children and families exhausted, irritable, and struggling with health challenges. The good news? There’s a lesser-known treatment option that’s getting a lot of attention lately, and it’s called myofunctional therapy.

Now, you might be thinking, “Myo-what?” Don’t worry, I’ll explain. By the end of this, you’ll understand why I’m so excited about this therapy and how it ties in with another groundbreaking treatment called the Vivos system. Stick with me, and I’ll show you how these therapies can be life-changing for your child!

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

Let’s break it down. Myofunctional therapy is basically a workout—but for the muscles in your face, mouth, and throat. Just like you’d hit the gym to keep your body in shape, myofunctional therapy helps keep your oral muscles toned and working properly.

The goal here is to retrain these muscles to function the way they’re supposed to. That means teaching the tongue to rest in the right position, promoting proper swallowing, and encouraging nose breathing instead of mouth breathing. It might sound simple, but the benefits can be huge!

When these muscles are strong and coordinated, they can help with all sorts of issues, from speech problems to teeth grinding—and yes, sleep apnea. And that’s just the beginning!

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Understanding Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs)

Before we get into how myofunctional therapy helps with sleep apnea, let’s talk about something called orofacial myofunctional disorders (OMDs). These are conditions where the muscles in the face and mouth aren’t working as they should.

One common OMD is tongue thrust, where the tongue pushes against the teeth during swallowing instead of resting where it should. Over time, this can cause orthodontic problems or even change the shape of the face!

Another big one is mouth breathing. It might seem harmless, but breathing through the mouth instead of the nose can lead to problems like dry mouth, gum disease, and—you guessed it—sleep apnea.

OMDs can be caused by all sorts of things, from genetics to allergies to habits like thumb-sucking. But here’s the good news: myofunctional therapy can help correct these issues and get those oral muscles back on track.

How Does Myofunctional Therapy Work?

Now, let’s get into the details of how myofunctional therapy actually works. Think of it as a series of targeted exercises for the muscles in the face, mouth, and throat. Just like any physical therapy that strengthens muscles in the body, myofunctional therapy aims to retrain the muscles responsible for breathing, swallowing, and even speaking.

Here’s how it breaks down:

  1. Tongue Positioning: One of the key goals of myofunctional therapy is teaching your child to rest their tongue in the proper position—at the roof of their mouth. This helps open the airway and promotes nasal breathing instead of mouth breathing.
  2. Swallowing Techniques: Many children with sleep-disordered breathing have improper swallowing patterns. Myofunctional therapy corrects this by training the muscles to work together properly, ensuring smooth and efficient swallowing.
  3. Nose Breathing vs. Mouth Breathing: Mouth breathing is a huge contributor to airway issues and sleep apnea. Myofunctional therapy encourages nose breathing, which is healthier and helps keep the airway open during sleep.
  4. Oral Exercises: Specific exercises, like tongue movements and lip strengthening, help build muscle memory and ensure that your child’s muscles work together to keep their airway clear during the day and night.

The beauty of myofunctional therapy is that it’s completely non-invasive. These simple, daily exercises are designed to improve the function of your child’s airway muscles naturally. Over time, this therapy can lead to better breathing, improved sleep, and, in many cases, a reduction in symptoms of sleep apnea.

How Myofunctional Therapy Helps with Airway Problems

Now, let’s talk about how myofunctional therapy connects with airway issues and sleep apnea. Mouth breathing, which is a common OMD, can make sleep apnea worse. When you breathe through your mouth, your tongue and jaw can fall back into your throat, blocking the airway and causing those dreaded breathing pauses. Over time, this can lead to bigger health problems like high blood pressure or heart disease.

Here’s where myofunctional therapy comes in. By retraining your oral muscles, this therapy can keep your airway open and reduce the severity of sleep apnea. And when combined with other treatments, like the Vivos system (which we’ll discuss in a second), the results can truly be life-changing.

Imagine your child waking up feeling rested and refreshed, without relying on a bulky CPAP machine or needing invasive surgery. That’s the power of myofunctional therapy!

myofunctional therapy

The Vivos Treatment: A Comprehensive Approach

I’ve been mentioning the Vivos treatment, so let me give you the details. The Vivos system is a revolutionary way to treat sleep apnea and airway problems, and it’s unlike anything else out there.

Here’s how it works: The Vivos oral appliance is custom-made to fit your child’s mouth, and they wear it for 12-16 hours a day, mostly while they sleep. Over time, this appliance gently expands the arches in the mouth, opening up the airway and allowing for easier, deeper breathing.

And here’s the amazing part: The Vivos system is FDA-cleared to treat mild, moderate, and severe sleep apnea. Even if your child has a more serious case of sleep apnea, this treatment could be a game-changer.

Unlike CPAP machines, which require wearing a mask every night, or surgery, which can be invasive and risky, the Vivos treatment is a holistic, non-invasive approach that tackles the root cause of the problem. It’s like the best of both worlds!

HealthyStart: A Simple Solution

The HealthyStart system offers a non-invasive way to improve both your child’s breathing and smile. Designed specifically for kids, this system uses soft, comfortable oral appliances worn at night or for a few hours a day. It gently guides jaw growth, creating more space in the mouth and opening up the airway, which helps reduce sleep-disordered breathing.

HealthyStart benefits include:

  • Better jaw development: Promotes proper growth, making more room for teeth and tongue.
  • Encourages nasal breathing: Helps your child breathe through their nose for healthier sleep.
  • Prevents future orthodontic issues: Gradually aligns teeth without braces.
  • Improves sleep quality: Reduces airway blockages, leading to deeper, more restful sleep.

HealthyStart is a natural, pain-free solution that helps kids breathe better, sleep soundly, and enjoy a healthier smile—all without the need for braces or surgery.

Why Dentists Play a Key Role in Airway and Myofunctional Therapy

You might be wondering, why is a dentist talking about sleep apnea? Well, here’s the thing: Dentists like Dr. Susan are in a unique position to diagnose and treat sleep apnea and airway issues.

Think about it—we spend our days looking into people’s mouths, so we’re experts in oral health! But beyond that, we’re trained to spot the signs of sleep apnea and OMDs and can develop personalized treatment plans that target the root cause.


At Evergreen Pediatrics & Airway Dentistry, we believe every child deserves to wake up feeling refreshed, ready to take on the day. Airway issues shouldn’t stand in the way of your child’s energy and well-being.

Here’s how Dr. Susan and our team can help:

  1. Comprehensive evaluation: We’ll start by thoroughly assessing your child’s symptoms, medical history, and airway function to get to the root of the issue.
  2. Myofunctional therapy: We’ll guide your child through this gentle, non-invasive treatment to strengthen their oral muscles and promote healthy breathing patterns.
  3. The Vivos system: As a certified Vivos provider, Dr. Kim can custom-fit your child with an oral appliance that gently expands their airway, providing long-term relief from sleep apnea and other airway problems.

Don’t wait any longer—schedule a consultation with Dr. Susan at Evergreen Pediatrics & Airway Dentistry today. In the meantime, visit our website to learn more about myofunctional therapy, the Vivos system, and other cutting-edge treatments for sleep apnea and airway issues.

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Evergreen Pediatric Dentistry
12910 Totem Lake Blvd NE #103, Kirkland, WA 98034, United States
(425) 814-3196

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