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Are your child’s crooked teeth causing them to hide their smile? Do they avoid photos and feel self-conscious at school? If so, Myobrace treatment might be the solution you’ve been searching for. Many parents face the challenge of finding a non-braces option to fix their child’s teeth and boost their confidence. This issue not only affects their appearance but also impacts their schoolwork and relationships.

The Myobrace®System is a preventative orthodontic approach that tackles the root causes of crooked teeth, often eliminating the need for braces or extractions. Suitable for children aged 3 to 15, this treatment encourages natural growth and development. It involves a series of removable intraoral appliances worn for 1-2 hours during the day and overnight. By focusing on underlying issues early, Myobrace helps children achieve straight teeth and a healthy smile without invasive procedures.

In this article, we’ll explore how Myobrace works, its benefits, and how it can help your child smile with confidence again.

What is The Myobrace Treatment?

Myobrace is a preventative orthodontic treatment that targets the root causes of crooked teeth, often eliminating the need for braces or tooth extractions. Designed for children aged 3 to 15, it involves using a series of removable intraoral appliances.

Myobrace addresses poor oral habits early, targeting the root causes of crooked teeth. Your child wears the removable appliances for one to two hours daily and overnight while sleeping, guiding their teeth into proper alignment.

Here’s how it works:

  • Retrains Oral Muscles: Encourages proper tongue and lip posture.
  • Promotes Jaw Development: Guides the jaw into the correct position.
  • Aligns Teeth Naturally: Helps teeth move into their ideal positions.
  • Improves Breathing Habits: Encourages nasal breathing, reducing mouth breathing.
  • Enhances Overall Oral Health: Reduces the risk of cavities and gum disease.

By focusing on these underlying issues, Myobrace helps create a healthier, straighter smile without the need for braces or extractions. This approach promotes healthier smiles without invasive procedures.

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Benefits of Myobrace Treatment

Myobrace offers numerous benefits that extend beyond straightening teeth. Here’s how it can help your child:

  • Non-Invasive: No need for braces or extractions, making it a comfortable option.
  • Improves Oral Habits: Corrects bad habits like mouth breathing and incorrect tongue posture.
  • Encourages Jaw Development: Promotes proper jaw growth and alignment.
  • Enhances Overall Oral Health: Reduces the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Aids in Breathing: Helps with pediatric airway problems by promoting nasal breathing and reducing mouth breathing.
  • Boosts Confidence: A straighter, healthier smile improves self-esteem and social interactions.

Myobrace addresses the root causes of orthodontic issues, leading to long-term benefits for your child’s oral and overall health.

The Myobrace Process

Myobrace treatment begins by correcting poor habits and then progresses through several stages to align teeth and promote healthy jaw growth. Here’s a brief overview:

Stage 1 – Habit Correction: Focuses on breathing through the nose, proper tongue positioning, correct swallowing, and keeping lips together. This stage aims to set the foundation for healthy jaw growth and straight teeth.

Stage 2 – Arch Development: Involves expanding the upper jaw to make space for teeth and the tongue. This may include using additional appliances for older children to accelerate jaw development.

Stage 3 – Dental Alignment: As permanent teeth emerge, Myobrace appliances help align them. Consistent use is crucial, and sometimes braces may be used for final adjustments.

Stage 4 – Retention: Ensures that good habits are maintained to prevent relapse, often eliminating the need for permanent retainers.

Compliance is key throughout the process to achieve optimal results.

How Myobrace Can Help with Pediatric Sleep Disorders

Myobrace treatment can significantly improve pediatric sleep disorders by addressing poor oral habits and promoting proper jaw development. Here’s how it works:

  • Encourages Nasal Breathing: Myobrace helps transition children from mouth breathing to nasal breathing, which is crucial for better sleep quality.
  • Opens Airway: Proper jaw alignment and development reduce airway obstruction, leading to fewer sleep disruptions.
  • Improves Muscle Function: Strengthening oral muscles enhances breathing patterns, reducing the risk of sleep apnea and other disorders.

By improving airway function and breathing habits, Myobrace can help children achieve more restful, uninterrupted sleep, enhancing their overall health and well-being.

Myobrace kirkland WA

Treatment Goals

The primary goals of Myobrace treatment are to address the underlying causes of orthodontic issues and promote natural, healthy development. Here are the key objectives:

  • Correct Oral Habits: Encourage proper breathing, tongue posture, swallowing, and lip closure to support overall oral health.
  • Promote Jaw Development: Ensure the jaws develop to their full potential, providing ample space for teeth and improving facial structure.
  • Align Teeth Naturally: Guide teeth into their correct positions without the need for braces or extractions.
  • Enhance Airway Health: Improve breathing patterns and reduce the risk of sleep disorders.
  • Ensure Long-Term Stability: Maintain results by fostering good oral habits and reducing the need for permanent retainers.

These goals aim to create a healthier, more confident smile for your child, improving both their oral health and overall well-being.

Act Now for Your Child’s Optimal Oral Health!

At Evergreen Pediatric & Airway Dentistry, Dr. Susan Kim is committed to enhancing your child’s oral health with Myobrace treatment. This innovative system corrects poor oral habits, promotes jaw development, and aligns teeth naturally, setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Here’s how we can help:

  • Comprehensive evaluation of your child’s oral health
  • Customized Myobrace treatment plans
  • Continuous monitoring and adjustments
  • Guidance on healthy myofunctional habits

Don’t let dental issues impact your child’s well-being. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Susan today at Evergreen Pediatric & Airway Dentistry. Call us at 425-814-3196 to get started.

Schedule an appointment Today!

Evergreen Pediatric Dentistry
12910 Totem Lake Blvd NE #103, Kirkland, WA 98034, United States
(425) 814-3196

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Q&A’s for Myobrace Treatment

What age is best for Myobrace treatment?

Myobrace is suitable for children aged 3 to 15, with early intervention yielding the best results.

How does Myobrace differ from traditional braces?

Myobrace corrects underlying causes of crooked teeth by addressing poor oral habits, often eliminating the need for braces.

How long does my child need to wear the Myobrace appliance?

Children wear the appliance for 1-2 hours daily and overnight while sleeping.

Can Myobrace help with sleep disorders with children?

Yes, Myobrace promotes better breathing patterns, which can improve sleep quality and reduce disorders like sleep apnea. It can also help reducing symptoms of airway issues that may be associated with ADHD and bedwetting.

What are the main benefits of Myobrace?

Benefits include improved oral habits, natural teeth alignment, enhanced jaw development, and better overall oral health.

How is progress monitored during Myobrace treatment?

Regular check-ups are scheduled to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments.

Is Myobrace treatment uncomfortable?

Most children adapt quickly, finding the appliance comfortable to wear during the recommended times.

Can Myobrace prevent the need for future orthodontic treatments?

By addressing issues early, Myobrace can significantly reduce the need for traditional braces or other orthodontic treatments.

What is the expected duration of Myobrace treatment?

The duration varies based on the individual needs of the child, but consistent use and following the treatment plan are key to success.

Where can I get Myobrace treatment for my child?

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Susan at Evergreen Pediatric & Airway Dentistry to get started today.


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